
sports luminaire solar flood light

Sports Flood Lights

Sports lighting has a huge impact on any night game for both spectators and athletes alike regardless of the venue.There are multiple factors that need to be taken into account for both indoor, semi-indoor, and outdoor venues. These include light uniformity, direction, glare, colour temperature and environmental considerations. Colour temperature and beam angles help to create even light distribution that will enhance a game without being noticed.There are also many Australian lighting standards for both indoor and outdoor sports venues that need to be addressed when designing a lighting plan or choosing fitting

EarthLight Sports Flood Lighting is a specialised range of premium LED products designed specifically for sportsfield, stadium and area lighting applications.

With both symmetrical and true asymmetrical options, light can be directed to illuminate large areas with brilliant control of unwanted spill light, upward waste light and glare in adherence with Australian Standards.

Players benefit from enhanced, uniform lighting of the field; spectators don’t miss the action from the stands; and operations staff appreciate the controllability, reduced maintenance and lower running costs.

Ideal for industrial and commercial applications with economical through to high performance options, for highly energy efficient, bright lighting for greater safety and security…