Earthtrack Selected as a Digital Champion

Over the next 12 months Earthtrack will be mentored under the Digital Champions Program by program partners Deloittes and specialist providers including Google, Facebook, Xero and other specialists in the digital space.

The program is about “showcasing how adoption of digital technology can change businesses to help them be more competitive, profitable and importantly, unlock their full potential.”

It was great to meet the recipients from Western Australia who represent a very diverse range of industries and unique digital challenges at the Deloittes Perth office today – from wellness retreats to law firms and eco product shops. 

It is going to be an interesting process to see where our transformation takes Earthtrack over the coming months.  We will post updates about the journey to hopefully inspire other small businesses to take the leap themselves.

Some interesting statistics in Deloittes Connected Small Business 2017 Report worth thinking about:

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