Lighting up your horse property or arena

Winter is here and it is also competition time for those in the horse-show community.

Don’t let it stop you from losing valuable and meaningful time with your horses as a result of shorter daylight hours.

With the stormy, dark winter evenings ahead don’t be stuck outside trying to bring the horses into their stables or night yards in the pitch black, trying to rug/ un-rug, or give them their feed. It presents unnecessary risk of injury to yourself and your horses.

Or with competition season, lighting up stables for those long nights plaiting and show prepping can give you that all important extra time to get your presentation perfect.  All night lighting can also get very expensive to run and can present excessive heat and other hazards for horses (lead or mercury) if older lighting is used.

LED lighting is a great option to reduce energy costs and are long lasting – up to 50,000 hours or five years.  Lights run cool, so there is no chance of burns or excess heat impacting on horses or other livestock.  If you need to work with showing horses, LED lighting is more accurate in colour representation and lighting is more consistent, so no more eyestrain or mistakes.

Many solar powered LED options are available, eliminating need for wiring up and electric shock risk.  It also means all your lighting is powered by the sun – so there are no additional power usage costs.

There are great options for:

  • Pathways and garden lighting
  • Outside building flood lighting to illuminate high usage areas
  • Inside feed rooms, tack rooms or hay sheds that are weatherproof and can be motion-sensing
  • Inside your horse float to keep an eye on horses while you travel
  • Arena lighting – both permanent floodlighting or temporary solar towers for special events
  • Car lighting for safe night travel on country roads with a horse float at night – light bars and spotlights
  • Work lights to illuminate specific areas that can attach to steel structures or your car for mobile, powerful, focused lighting (perfect for event days). Check out our special offer.

Earthtrack can help you to find the right LED option to suit your property, with our helpful free advice and even lighting design to demonstrate how our options can save you money and achieve a better, safer result. 

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  • Magnetic, rubber base – strong attachment for focused lighting where you need it.
  • Powerful LED output
  • Rechargeable battery
  • USB charger for your phone as a backup
  • Emergency beacon if you need to illuminate a hazard

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