WALGA Expo 2021

Earthtrack recently exhibited at the WALGA expo for our very first year of being a preferred supplier.  Running over 2 days, the event had over 600 attendees and ran alongside local government awards ceremonies  and conferences. 

Monday morning the Earthtrack team arrived slightly bleary eyed but ready for action – with only a couple of hours to set up before the big event it was all hands on deck to get the stand looking great before the punters arrived. The first to be set up was our new Tetrastax™ Modular Solar Lighting System – it arrived in it’s modular components and was set up in no time. Next was to set up the rest of the booth including our new lighting stand and oh so much signage! The crew were feeling the time stress but it all got done  in time and looking excellent before the doors were opened (well done team!).

Side note:  We would like to send a big shout out to the Crown staff! They were AMAZING, never far away to help, clear rubbish or the like – and also super nice! 

The morning raced by thanks to the onsite barista pumping out an endless supply free coffee (oh so good)! The crowd came in ebbs and flows due to the conferences that were running parallel to the expo – one minute we would have a huge crowd at the stand and then the next the team would have time to regroup, get another coffee, a bite to eat (also yum), and get ready for the next wave of people to come. 

The Earthtrack LED beanie and cooling towels give aways were a hit with the crowd (an SOS came in to Earthtrack HQ for more stock to be sent halfway through the first day)! We also ran a competition to win an Earthlight Magnetic Based LED Work Lamp for our stand visitors – it’s one of our most popular work lights in our Work & Play range – a must have for any home, camper or workshop.

At the end of day 1 was the gala dinner attended by Patrick and Wendy from Earthtrack. It was a great night with succulent food and great company.

The second day the team was back in their element getting their chance to talk about LED and solar lights, Tetrastax™ and all things Earthtrack to local government representatives and WALGA contractors. By the end of the second day the crew were exhausted but hyped, getting through the last of the packing up before heading home for a well needed evening of R & R.

Wednesday back at Earthtrack HQ news was received that the Tetrastax™ T1 sample was missing in action when it was due to be loaded and brought back to the ET warehouse from Crown, luckily it was found half an hour later stuck in the trade elevator (relief and giggles all round)! After all the excitement the Magnetic LED Work Light competition was drawn – a big congratulations to the lucky winner from the City of Melville! 

Over the two days of the WALGA expo our team met so many awesome people – government reps, contractors, Crown staff and fellow exhibitors! Thanks to all who made the expo so memorable and enjoyable…the team are looking forward to doing it even bigger and better at WALGA 2022! 

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